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guyinside2.gif (4660 bytes)RESUME GUIDE

Just too busy?  Let our guide help you prepare a resume.

Resume Guide:


Include your name, address, zip code, area code and telephone number centered

on the top of the page.


State your area(s) of interest as clearly as you can. Consult with a resource

person if you find that you have difficulty stating an objective.


List in chronological order all work experiences (most recent first). Be sure to

include places of employment, city and state, as well as dates employed.

Elaborate on major responsibilities and accomplishments in a quantifiable



All information about your academic background should be included: year of

graduation, courses related to your objective, honors, and achievements.

Emphasize positive aspects of your schooling.


This section can act as a facilitator (Optional) during an interview. List any

hobbies or interests/activities.

References are obtained from employers (optional) or professors. On your

resume it is not necessary or appropriate to list your references.

Other Optional Sections

Summary, language skills, community involvement, professional affiliations,

computer languages, machines, travel, etc.

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